شبكتنا العالمية

ممارسة الأعمال التجارية في Azerbaijan

How quickly can I set up a business?

10-15 days

What is the minimum investment needed?

Investment depends on the scale of project.

How can I raise finance?

Investor shall contribute the capital or take bank loan.

What are the legal requirements for setting up my business?

Option 1: Setting up Limited Liability Company (LLC) with local or foreign investment or mixed with no restriction on equity participation.

Option 2: Setting up branch Office of foreign company in country.

What structure should I consider?
For LLC:
  • members have limited liability.
  • Profits are allocated to members.
  • Must file monthly, quarterly, and yearly tax returns.
Branch office:
  • Branch is the integral part of parent company.
  • Profit is paid to parent company.
  • Must file monthly, quarterly, and yearly tax returns.
What advice can you give me in regards to payroll and taxation requirements?
  • Salary 250 AZN (147$ US)
  • Monthly, quarterly returns
  • 14%-25% taxes in oil sector or 0%-14% in non-oil sector
  • Salaries to be paid thru bank
  • Mandatory medical and unemployment insurance
Is there anything else that I should know?

Azerbaijan has different taxation systems in oil and non-oil sectors.

شركاتنا في Azerbaijan
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اختر نوع عملك:

أحدث الأخبار

شركة هولندية جديدة تنضم إلى شبكة Kreston Global

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شركة لوكسمبورغ تنضم إلى شبكة كريستون العالمية

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إحياء الشركة المنحلة

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