
Are you ready for crowdfunding?

November 7, 2016

are_you_ready_for_crowdfundingCrowdfunding is still relatively new but should still be considered as a viable source of equity. Nowadays, it is providing money for everything from charity campaigns to technological innovations.

When should investors and businesses look to get involved in a crowdfunding opportunity?

According to Cap Willey, Managing Director of the Tax Group at CBIZ Tofias, Kreston’s USA member firm in Boston, we need to carefully analyse three key benefits and their risks before taking the plunge.

In his article, at, Cap summarises these benefits/risks and the regulations that apply to the USA including:

– Access – Fundrise, Crowdfunder and GoFundMe are examples of crowdfunding portals that can be used to reach new and accredited investors. They have to follow rules set by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to be accepted as accredited investors. Companies are permitted to raise a maximum aggregate amount of $1 million through crowdfunding in a 12-month period.

– Liquidity – the necessity of waiting long-term before liquidity requires a different mindset from the investor. The benefit of liquidity also highlights one of its key risks that individuals who take part in crowdfunding generally do not have the same power of resources as those who choose the traditional market.

– Fractional ownership – more partial owners are allowed in crowdfunding through its investor pool model.

If your enterprise is new to crowdfunding go for a project which best fits it as a single aspect of the overall equity package.