Our services

Research & Development (R&D) tax incentives

Research & Development (R&D) tax incentives are widely adopted in over 50 countries, with multiple forms of incentive. These incentives are popular as governments look to attract and sustain economic activity locally, as they are found to increase private investment, innovation and boost employment, as well as influence where global businesses undertake R&D and base their operations.

An increasing number of countries have recognised the importance of innovation for economic growth and prosperity, whilst also using these incentives to achieve other policy goals, such as digital transformation and environmental sustainability.

Research & Development (R&D) tax incentive benefits

Across the world, companies realise substantial cash benefits from Research & Development (R&D) Tax Incentives, helping to sustainfurther innovation. Such incentives may be available to companies who have invested in the development or improvement of a product, software application or process; typically where technological or scientific advances underpin the development.

Global Research & Development (R&D) tax incentives

Across most countries and industry sectors, a wide range of incentives are available to encourage and investment in innovation.

Typically, these will feature one or more of the following:

  • Cash Grants and/or loans
  • Accelerated depreciation on R&D asset investment
  • Reduced tax rates or tax exemptions
  • Enhanced tax deductions
  • Repayable tax credits
  • Additional tax benefits for protecting intellectual property, through patent-related incentives
  • Payroll-related incentives
  • Accelerated depreciation on R&D asset investment

Every country will have different reliefs, criteria and methodologies informing how a claim is curated and submitted. It is critical, therefore, that companies engage with experienced advisors at an early stage so as not to limit the available range of incentives, or the quantum of relief that might be claimed.

Kreston Global Research & Development (R&D) tax services

The range of opportunities to fund innovation can become very complex when you consider that within each country, local or regional governments may have the authority to fund and implement their own innovation strategy.

Whether it is considering a cross-border R&D strategy or accessing incentives in a particular country, identifying and understanding the available options can therefore be a challenging and time-consuming undertaking.

With member firms in over 100 countries, Kreston can support your R&D across the globe. Our R&D specialists have assisted thousands of clients spot R&D opportunities and claim R&D tax incentives.These range from start-up businesses right through to mature groups of companies.

Advice and support from a local Kreston member may include:

  • Identifying eligible businesses and qualifying activities, including any local definitions of R&D;
  • Calculating the financial effect of any R&D activity;
  • Assisting with any compliance requirements, such as registrations, filings with tax authorities and advising on deadlines;
  • Advising of record-keeping requirements;
  • Identifying further opportunities to make R&D claims;
  • Advising on options to improve cash flow;
  • Corporate structuring advice in respect of R&D companies; and
  • Planning for future investments and decisions.

The tax rules and requirements can be subject to regular change in each jurisdiction, so it is important that you have R&D advisers that are up to date and proactive in dealing with changing legislation.

Country factsheets

Serbia’s R&D tax relief program

The Canadian R&D tax relief regime

Why choose Kreston Global? 

Our network of advisors can assist businesses to identify, substantiate and realise significant tax savings for R&D activity, whilst considering the wider tax and financial position of the company or group. Our advisors will also work collaboratively to provide solutions to any cross-border R&D planning.

Get in touch with us today. You can also become a member – opening up access to our global network of more than 25,000 accounting specialists.

Client success stories

Blackdot Consulting

Blackdot Consulting Pty Ltd, Australia

This prestigious consulting firm, Blackdot Consulting Pty Ltd – Australia, focuses on implementing strategic change for its clients that results in lasting customer-centric growth.

Wampfler case study

Conductix-Wampfler, Germany

Conductix-Wampfler is a world leader in the design and manufacture of efficient energy and data transmission systems for all types of mobile equipment and machinery.

Van Helden Case Study

Van Helden Relatiegeschenken/Favorite Gifts/FL B.V., Netherlands

Our client, Favorite Gifts, is a successful international company. They trade with several companies (like Van Helden Relatiegeschenken, EuroGifts and Giving Europe) within Europe.