
Wee Kwang Koh
Director, Kreston ACA

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Wee Kwang is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore, a Certified Internal Auditor with the Institute of Internal Auditors and a Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist with the Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners.

He has more than 20 years of experience in auditing and assurance and was involved with implementing the Sarbanes-Oxley framework for American-related corporations during his three-year secondment in London with a Big 4 accounting firm. He has also undertaken and led engagements in internal audit, enterprise risk management and sustainability reporting for companies listed on the Singapore Exchange and Growth Enterprise Market board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong as well as charitable organisations. He has spoken on various platforms on the topic of sustainability reporting.

He was treasurer of Yuhua Citizen’s Consultative Committee from 2013 to 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from NTU.

Kreston ACA PAC partners future thoughts on ESG and audit

April 22, 2022

Koh Wee Kwang, partner at Kreston ACA PAC recently shared his views with the International Accounting Bulletin in the world survey. He was asked to comment on accountancy firms’ transparency to environmental, social and governance plans to prove their sustainability on the planet and society. His thoughts are that auditors could be in an advanced position with clients as they will be able to influence the boards with their ESG strategy. Read the full article below.