Kreston admits FIACYCP, Nicaragua, to membership
April 16, 2012
Kreston admits Firma Internacional de Auditores, Consultores y Contadores Públicos, S.A (“FIACYCP”), Nicaragua
Firma Internacional de Auditores, Consultores y Contadores Públicos, S.A based in Managua, Nicaragua, has been admitted to Kreston membership. FIACYCP is a four partner firm with 20 staff providing the full range of audit, tax and consulting services.
Jon Lisby, Kreston CEO says:
“FIACYCP is a young and progressive firm led by highly experienced partners and we are confident that the firm will achieve strong and sustained growth maintaining the levels of quality – both in terms of technical capability and client service that Kreston clients enjoy”.
The firm was previously a Correspondent firm with Russell Bedford International.
Left to right:
Reynaldo Balladares Saballos, Ramón E. Solorzano, Fernando J. Gómez Moreira and Jesús J. Herrera Espinoza.