Kreston Latin America collaborate at 19th annual conference held in Guayaquil, Ecuador
March 20, 2015
Kreston Latin America collaborate at 19th annual conference held in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Over 30 Partners from 14 countries in the Kreston Latin American region took part in the 19th annual conference held in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
In attendance were Kreston CEO Jon Lisby, Latin American Regional Secretary and Kreston Board Director, Ricardo Paolina and Elena Ramirez, Kreston Board Director and Partner of Kreston’s Spanish network, Iberaudit Kreston.
Left to right: Pablo Guevara, Mercè Martí, Partner of Iberaudit Barcelona; Jon Lisby, Elena Ramirez, Andrew Collier and Ricardo Paolina
The agenda of the conference this year focused mainly around topics concerning “Tax trends in Latin America and the World”. Other subjects of discussion included Investment opportunities in Ecuador; Internet methodologies; proposal execution; Internal audit and fraud prevention services and CaseWare updates.
Jon presented on Kreston strategy and Kreston’s Director of Quality and Professional Standards, Andrew Collier, updated delegates on the professional standards relevant to the region.
Jon said:
“It is excellent to see so many of our Latin American members taking the opportunity to meet and discuss the important issues facing both Latin America and the global network. Effective networking builds those trusted relationships so important within Kreston. Thanks go to Pablo Guevara and his team from Kreston member firm Fidesburo for their excellent co- ordination and hosting of the event”.