Kreston member Exco meet in Nantes for 2015 conference ‘Optimisim’
September 24, 2015
Exco meet in Nantes for 2015 conference ‘Optimisim’
Over 300 partners and managers from Kreston’s network in France, Exco, met in Nantes over September 19th and 20th for their 2015 conference. Jon Lisby, Kreston’s CEO was in attendance
The theme this year was ‘optimism’ and, following a welcome by Philippe Lhommeau of host firm Exco Avec, the business programme was led by Kreston Chairman and Exco CEO, Franck Parker who engaged participants in debates concerning Exco’s recent successes and strategic achievements, presented on Kreston strategy and highlighted the ongoing importance of Exco to the global membership.
Key Note speaker this year was JP Ackermann who offered delegates an engaging insight into the benefits of leading with positivity, optimism and well-being.
The second day was devoted to team building and network members took part in a fun day of challenges linked to sport, solidarity, art and culture.