
Kreston UK meet in historical Newcastle

March 19, 2013

Kreston UK meet in historical Newcastle

The 2013 Kreston UK Conference was superbly hosted in Newcastle by Clive Owen & Co LLP from 14th – 16th March.

More than 80 delegates from 11 member firms , including new firm, Simpson Forsyth, met in the Hilton Newcastle Gateshead hotel which is located near to Newcastle’s oldest area, the Quayside. Dominated by the seven famous bridges across the River Tyne, the Quayside, was, until the nineteenth century, the commercial hub of all Tyneside. Most historical of the buildings in this area of the town are the keep of the Norman castle and the fourteenth century church of St Nicholas with its famous lantern tower.

The business session was officially opened by Kreston UK Chairman and Bishop Fleming Managing Partner, Matt Lee together with Tony Luckett, Senior Audit Partner of Clive Owen & Co LLP.

Kreston CEO, Jon Lisby provided an update on global and Kreston developments before delegates divided into a range of workshop groups including Managing Partners; Outsourcing; HR; Tax; IT; Technology; Academies and Marketing. The break out groups provided an excellent opportunity for members of existing and new Kreston UK Special Interest Groups to develop agreed action plans for the coming year.
Margaret Gill, Clive Owen & Co’s Marketing Manager, who organised the event said:
“As a profession, we don’t just play a traditional role anymore and it’s not enough to rely on that if you want to grow and develop. We have to respond to what businesses want, such as IT support or skills in specialist sectors. It was really inspiring to share our ideas about the future of the profession at the conference, not only for the UK but for accountancy across the globe. Kreston International is one of the world’s leading accounting networks and it was an honour to host our UK event in the North East of England.”

Matt Lee, Kreston’s UK chairman said:

This year’s event was expertly hosted by Clive Owen & Co. All members who took part in the 8 different special interest groups will benefit from sharing their experiences and to setting new challenges. The UK group has grown strongly this year with all members reporting turnover, growth and positive forecasts for the coming year”.

The next UK Conference will be hosted by Barber Harrison & Platt.