Kreston VAT Special Interest Group meet for 2018 conference
May 17, 2018
The 13th Kreston International VAT conference took place in Zurich, Switzerland, prior to this year’s EMEA conference.
20 members of the Special Interest Group from 12 countries met and heard interesting updates on VAT in Switzerland; introduction into US Sales Tax; VAT highlights in the Netherlands, and the VAT treatment of Land and Property in the UK.
Thomas Lachera, Chair of the Group, also lead on two networking sessions, the first of which looked at ways in which the group can improve their working practices and collaboration including use of Kreston’s intranet Klick and the use of collateral to emphasise each firms’ VAT services and products.
The VAT conference concluded with an open discussion on a Kreston VAT country report and VAT registration processes for non-established businesses in each of our members’ respective countries.
Thomas commented:
“Our conference was once again a great success and thank you to all members who joined us in Zurich and who presented during the sessions. Our continued meetings are especially important to the further development and collaboration of the group and I look forward to welcoming additional members to Warsaw in 2019”.